uP7 v2.7 ===================================================================== * Added: create telemetry & modules using text patterns * Fixed: trace ID random distribution * Fixed: errors handling improved uP7 v2.6 ===================================================================== * Fixed: imrpoved channels close event * Fixed: logging * Fixed: objects initialization uP7 v2.5 ===================================================================== * Fixed: improved time synchronization with precision less 1ms * Fixed: telemetry & trace streams integrity checks & resynchronization improvements * Fixed: improved tests * Added: new generation & build options: every component can be generated independently * Fixed: improved preProcessor integrated help & verbosity * Fixed: preProcessor detects when output files need to be regenerated * Fixed: preProcessor output files can be reconstructed, all necessary data is stored in configuration XML uP7 v2.4 ===================================================================== * Added: multi folder processing by preProcessor * Fixed: compilation errors & warnings with latest GCC 12.x * Fixed: time drift test improvement * Fixed: symlink Linux support uP7 v2.3 ===================================================================== * Fixed: performance improvement * Fixed: buffers management * Fixed: sending remaining buffers on close uP7 v2.2 ===================================================================== * Fixed: CPU-HOST time adjustment * Fixed: other time calculation minor fixes uP7 v2.1 ===================================================================== * Fixed: uP7 trace performance improvement (+25% for linear ID case) * Added: pre-processor options for trace ID generation (consecutive or random distribution) * Added: preprocessor verbose option * Updated: documentation * Fixed: line ending agnostic parser & hash calculation. \r\n or \n line endings will generate the same HASH for xml config uP7 v2.0.2 ===================================================================== * Fixed: improve tests * Fixed: CPU FIFO leak * Fixed: processing last chunks of the data on removing CPU * Fixed: fix processing I,z,t size specificators * Fixed: preProcessor crash on some source files uP7 v1.8 ======================================================================= * Fixed: Host<-CPU time syncronization improvements * Fixed: Logging improvements * Fixed: pre-processor crash in case of C/C++ syntax error uP7 v1.7 ======================================================================= * Fixed: basic protocol protection and resync * Fixed: Host<-CPU time syncronization * Fixed: locking mechanism * Fixed: variadic arguments processing in 64 bits systems * Fixed: big endian packets processing * Fixed: Logging improvements * Fixed: variadic arguments GCC warning * Fixed: "long int" proper handling on different platforms uP7 v1.6 ======================================================================= * Fixed: preProcessor crash in case of modules duplication * Fixed: preProcessor crash with prev. xml versions * Added: generated files recovery (session, headers) * Added: session file protection by special header * Fixed: generation unique session ID in parallel builds * Fixed: time synchronization in some rare cases was not working uP7 v1.5 ======================================================================= * Added: IDs header generation * Added: protocol commands processing if buffer is missaligned * Fixed: improved pre-processor header generation * Fixed: nice counters & modules sorting * Fixed: telemetry ID query error * Fixed: error of read-only files update by preProcessor * Fixed: remove duplicates of telemetry & modules uP7 v1.4 ======================================================================= * Fixed: add preprocessor configuration options to describe up7 modules & counters * Fixed: sorting XML nodes to control changes * Fixed: rework CPU<->Host time syncronization mechanisn, CPU time interface has been added * Fixed: preprocessor & proxy library minor fixes * Fixed: documentation update uP7 v1.3 ======================================================================= * Fixed: host commands processing fixes * Fixed: add exluded file to preprocessor config * Fixed: preprocessor minor fixes uP7 v1.2b ======================================================================= * Fixed: improve header generation * Fixed: recreate session file only in case of changes * Added: XML project name option (used in session file name) * Fixed: small changes & code refactoring uP7 v1.1b ======================================================================= * Fixed: get rid of heap usage * Fixed: 75% reduced memory consumption * Added: packets size alignment uP7 v1.0b ======================================================================= * Added: library first verstion (beta)